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Payment and Pricing

Payment Information

Service Registration (Exam Registration | Training Registration | Admission Processing, etc.) is quick and easy; simply go to the Registration page, read and follow the instructions.

For a standard fee, each test taker can have his or her study guide (textbook and dvd software) mailed to the contact address provided on the registration form. While filling out the Registration form, you can select your preferred mode of delivery.

Please contact the following hotlines to track your delivery: –

+2347048182424 (Hotline)

What characteristics should a payment processor have?

Reliable Service

Overall, our plan should provide a clear and transparent breakdown of the costs and features associated with our product or service, and should help you make an informed decision about whether the product or service is right for you.

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Pricing Plans

Pricing plans can vary depending on the product or service being offered. However, typically, a pricing plan includes the following information

Lagos Island Pricing

IELTS (Standard) 5 WEEKS 50 000 85 000
IELTS (UKVI) 5 WEEKS 50 000 95 000
IELTS (Life Skills) 4 WEEKS 30 000 85 000
SAT 4 WEEKS 70 000 90 000
SAT 8 WEEKS 70 000 130 000
SAT 12 WEEKS 70 000 160 000
GRE 4 WEEKS 70 000 195 000  ($245)
PTE (REGULAR) 5 WEEKS 50 000 85 000
PTE (UKVI) 5 WEEKS 50 000 90 000
DUOLINGO 2 WEEKS 20 000 $49
TOEFL 5 WEEKS 50 000 165 000
OET $455
GMAT 6 WEEKS 80 000 $285(220 000)
GMAT 12 WEEKS 130 000 $285(220 000)
SELT 4WEEKS 50 000 $240
CELPIP 5WEEKS 50 000 76 000

Lagos Mainland Pricing

IELTS (Standard) 5 WEEKS 50 000 85 000
IELTS (UKVI) 5 WEEKS 40 000 95 000
IELTS (Life Skills) 4 WEEKS 40 000 85 000
SAT 4 WEEKS 50 000 $110
SAT 8 WEEKS 90 000 $110
SAT 12 WEEKS 120 000 $110
GRE 4 WEEKS 50 000 195 000  ($245)
PTE (REGULAR) 4 WEEKS 50 000 85 000
PTE (UKVI) 5 WEEKS 50 000 90 000
DUOLINGO 2 WEEKS 20 000 $49
TOEFL 4 WEEKS 40 000 110 000
OET 4 WEEKS 40, 000 $455
GMAT 6 WEEKS 60 000 $260
GMAT 12 WEEKS 110 000 $260
SELT 4WEEKS 40 000 $250
CELPIP 4WEEKS 40 000 76 000
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